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Wendi's Platform

I believe the United States Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land.

The Oklahoma Constitution echoes many of the same limits and protections. The purpose of the Constitution is to place limits on our government. It is imperative that We the People hold our government in check.

For this reason, I am running for office and I ask for your support.


Our inalienable, God-given rights are recognized by the United States Constitution and the Oklahoma Constitution and must be protected. The right of parents to determine what is best for their children in all matters, including health and education, should be protected. Citizens have the right to keep and bear arms.

"Shall not be infringed" is simple and straightforward.

“The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.”

Thomas Jefferson


Legislators have abrogated lawmaking responsibility to appointed bureaucrats in numerous agencies. New agencies are added each session. We must reduce the size of government. 

"No government ever voluntarily reduces itself in size. Government programs, once launched, never disappear. Actually, a government bureau is the nearest thing to eternal life we'll ever see on this earth!" Ronald Reagan


It is imperative that government spending be reduced to only the essentials.

I support eliminating personal income tax in Oklahoma and NOT replacing it with increased taxation and fees in other areas.

“I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents."

James Madison



The Stearman name is steeped in military and aviation history, famed for the Stearman Biplane that trained U.S. military pilots during World War II. Wendi Stearman, whose father was a Marine in Vietnam and whose husband, Tom, is a commercial pilot and an Air Force Academy graduate, embodies this legacy of service and sacrifice.

After Tom's military service, the couple chose to plant roots in the rolling hills of Washington County. In 2020, alarmed by the liberalism of the sitting legislator, Wendi felt compelled to restore constitutional representation. Unseating an incumbent—a rare feat in Oklahoma politics—she kept her commitment of governing according to the same conservative platform she campaigned on.

In her first term, Wendi was acknowledged as one of the House's most conservative members. She was one of only two Oklahoma legislators to earn a 100% lifetime rating from the state's conservative benchmark publication, The Oklahoma Constitution, since 1979.

One of her notable legislative feats was the passing of HB4327, a landmark pro-life law that not only halted all abortion procedures in Oklahoma but also elicited a personal condemnation from Kamala Harris.

Family is paramount to Wendi, a mother of six. She passionately advocates parental rights, particularly in matters of health and education. She proposed the bill to cut Oklahoma's ties with the National School Board Association after it sought the involvement of the Biden “Justice” Department against parents and introduced a bill to protect children from vaccine mandates.

Guided by an unwavering belief in the U.S. Constitution, Wendi's political philosophy emphasizes individual liberty, limited governmental powers, Second Amendment rights, and sanctity of life. She views the Capitol not as a social club, but as a battlefield to defend Oklahomans from what she terms the "Administrative State."

Wendi is poised to once again unseat an incumbent—one who has consistently betrayed our core values—to revive true representation. Disturbed by the "legalized corruption" she's witnessed, Wendi is making an exceptional commitment. If elected on June 18th, she will reject the gifts and contributions traditionally given to legislators. Her aim is clear: to remain unswayed by lobbyist influence and steadfast in upholding her constituents' values.

Rejecting this money means that Wendi will be outspent in her election efforts; but, reflecting the military mindset of her family, Wendi is tough; she is a fighter. And just as she fought hard to successfully unseat an incumbent politician and plans to do it again, she will fight just as hard at opposing those who are contributing to the destruction of our republic, both inside and outside of the Republican Party.

As she campaigns door-to-door, Wendi is not merely soliciting your vote. She's seeking a partnership with you, the resident of Senate District 29, as together, we reject the co-opting forces of the special interests, and make Oklahoma the leading state in the protection of individual rights and freedoms.

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of Nowata, Rogers, and Washington Counties

Rural Nowata County door knocking

Stearman for Senate
P.O.Box 132
Vera, OK 74082


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What Makes Wendi Different: No Lobbyist Money, Just Oklahoma Values


How Wendi Stearman aims to break the cycle of lobbyist influence in Oklahoma City

As a State Representative, Wendi Stearman saw firsthand how Oklahoma City lobbyists and special interests have effectively "bought" many legislators.

Here's the dynamic: Lobbyists use funds for lavish nights out at some of Oklahoma City's finest restaurants and entertainment venues. These outings forge strong bonds between lobbyists and politicians, relationships the average voter can't compete with as they go about their everyday lives, far removed from political maneuvering in the capital city.

After establishing this rapport, lobbyists channel thousands into the campaign coffers of their new political allies. These politicians then use the money to convince voters they still align with constituents' values, when in reality, they represent the views of their lobbyist connections. Even worse, some politicians amass such significant war chests that they discourage potential challengers from running, thus depriving constituents of electoral choices.

Based on her observations, Stearman believes this flow of money explains why some politicians campaign as conservatives but inexplicably betray these values once elected. She wants no part of this "legalized corruption." If elected on June 18, Stearman will reject all gifts and contributions from lobbyists and their employers.

Stearman suspects this influence accounts for many of the bizarre votes cast by Julie Daniels. For instance, Daniels has frequently accepted such gifts and contributions, including a recent $160 dinner at an Oklahoma City steakhouse.

One has to wonder what justifies this massive expense for a single meal. Lobbyists aren’t paying out all of this money for no reason. Moreover, Daniels' extensive list of contributors reads like a who's-who of major corporate interests, perhaps explaining her frequent support for corporate welfare that haunts our state budget, riddles our tax code with loopholes, and creates a toxic culture that completely perverts the free market.

This kind of behavior tarnishes our district's reputation. The residents of Nowata, Rogers, and Washington Counties, don't believe in this type of legalized corruption.

However, many also believe that no lawmaker can hold office without succumbing to this corrupting influence. Wendi Stearman aims to prove them wrong. She believes that the voters of Senate District 29 will support her, even without a massive campaign budget.

By voting for Stearman on June 18, you're not just rejecting special interest money; you're demonstrating to the entire state of Oklahoma that it's possible to elect a lawmaker free from the corrosive impact of special interests.

Paid for by Stearman for Senate 2024

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Address: P.O.Box 132, Vera, OK 74082

Tel: 918-398-1962

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Senate District 29 Map

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© 2022 by Wendi Stearman for Oklahoma Senate. All rights reserved.

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